TrinamiX is a device which uses near infra-red (NIR) to detect internal fruit qualities such dry matter and brix. TrinamiX’s software then analyse the ratio of these parameters and reports them via the app or desktop. Readings can be taken anywhere along the production line, from in-orchard scans being done whilst fruit are still on the tree, to storage monitoring.
Point the device towards the object, making sure the glass is pressed against the fruit, and press the button. The device then sends infrared light through the fruit and is reflected by molecules. Each type of molecule has a unique reflection pattern, which acts as it’s very own ‘finger print’. TrinamiX’s patented photodetectors detect the reflections and send this information to the cloud.
The data is wirelessly transferred to the TrinamiX cloud and processed with their chemometrics algorithms powerd by state-of-the-art machine learning technology. Scans can be taken at any time, and any location.
Within seconds, the actionalbe result appears in your app on Android, iOS, or Windows and is stored in the cloud. You can label your scans to assess orchard quality and download the data in the form of an excel spreadsheet at a later date.
Easily monitor the average dry matter and brix of your orchards throughout the growing season so that you can strategise picking and storage logistics ahead of time.
With vigorous testing using pre- and post- harvest fruit, we have come to the decision to trial two models; one for pre-harvest and one for post-harvest fruit. This is because fruit parameters develop throughout the growing season and again whilst in storage.
Easily monitor the average dry matter and brix of your orchards throughout the growing season so that you can strategise picking and storage logistics ahead of time.
With vigorous testing using pre- and post- harvest fruit, we have come to the decision to trial two models; one for pre-harvest and one for post-harvest fruit. This is because fruit parameters develop throughout the growing season and again whilst in storage.
With vigorous testing using pre- and post- harvest fruit, we have come to the decision to trial two models; one for pre-harvest and one for post-harvest fruit. This is because fruit parameters develop throughout the growing season and again whilst in storage.
Easily monitor the average dry matter and brix of your orchards throughout the growing season so that you can strategise picking and storage logistics ahead of time.
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